Recker RC Club

August 04 Newsletter

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August 2004                              Editor:Ed Jacobs    
                                          Vol. XVI  Issue VI

Our Next Meeting
Will be on Wednesday July 21, 2004, at 7:00P.M. at our club's flying field, weather permitting.   No alternate site has been designated at this time.  Arrangements will be made at the site should the weather force us to do so.   
       Recker R/C Club   
                                  Meeting Minutes

                                  July 21,2004

The July meeting of the Recker R/C. Club was held at the club field on July 21, 2004.  The meeting was called to order at 6:55 P.M. by President Bill Dewey.

Roll Call: Membership Secretary, Gary Billmaier, 23 members present.  The club as of this date has 72 paid up members.

Treasurers Report: Gary Billmaier, reported that the cost for mowing the field in the month of June was $510.00.  The cost for mowing the grass to date this year is $1,680.00.  The cost of cutting the grass in the next few months should be less due to the warm weather and the slower growing season.  The stone that has been spread for the driveway has been paid for as well as the cost of renting the Bobcat.  The total cost of the above was $850.00 Gary reported that after all the bills have been paid the club is solvent.

Old Business: Stone for driveway: Ed Grabenstetter, who has been handling the driveway project reported that he had ordered 4 loads of stone.  Ed reported that on 6/09/04 the hauling company only delivered 3 loads of stone, Ed said that he waited until 6:00 P.M. that day and the driver never returned.  The following day it rained and the driveway turned sloppy.  On 6/22/04 the driver returned with 1 load of stone.  He gave Ed a weight slip that showed that he had delivered 5 loads.  Ed told the driver that his figures were wrong and that the total loads delivered were 4.  The driver became upset, changed the amount on the slip and said that he would not do any more business with the club.  Ed feels that possibly 2 more loads will be needed, but after some discussion the members agreered to hold off until next spring.

Frequency Scanner: Ken Moore passed around the scanner for the members to see, and after some discussion it was agreed that perhaps the club really did have a frequency interference problem?  Ken said that the party that he purchased the scanner from would buy it back if the club did not want it.  Motion by Gary Billmaier, 2nd John Schell, Motion passed by members present.

Weedwacker: Mike Evanoff donated a gas powered weedwacker to the club.  A big thanks to Bob Grabenstetter for doing the wacking and a bigger thanks to Mike for his gift.

Meetings: John Schell proposed to the club a revised scheduling of the monthly club meetings.  John feels as do other members queried that meetings every month and especially in the colder months are not needed.  John proposed that the club have 8 meetings a year.  The first meeting would be in March, possibly a dinner meeting, where the yearly dues would be paid.  The balance of the meetings (April thru October) would take place at the field.  John feels that an incentive be given existing members (If dues paid on or before the March meeting) these members would pay $10.00 or $20.00 less, the amount to be determined later.  The election of officers would take place at the October meeting.  Gary Billmaier offered the members a financial plan in keeping with the above.  Gary told the members present that with the field rent, grass cutting, Port-A-Potty charges, AMA dues, it would take 60 members at $65.00 each just to break even.  This would keep the club savings intact.  More than 60 members would be a plus for the club.  If a situation arises that more money is needed for a particular project, the membership would be informed.  It was proposed that a vote on the proposed revision of monthly meetings take place at the August meeting.  A vote was taken and those in attendance agreed.

Field lease: A question was asked in regard to the length of the lease that the club has on the field.  Gary Billmaier informed the members that the lease was signed in 1997 and it runs for a minimum of 10 years through 2007.  The field rent was renegociated a few years back and since that time the club pays a lesser amount than was stipulated when the lease was signed.

Motion to adjourn at 7:15.  Motion Bob Jarosz, 2nd Larry Thiel


That's All I Have

At this time, hope to see you at the meeting.
Ed Jacobs/ 419-693-8404