Recker RC Club

April 05 News Letter

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Recker R/C Club Newsletter
                           April 20, 2005
Our Next Meeting
Will be on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 7:00 P.M.
at our flying field, weather permitting.  It may be wise to bring suitable clothing and a deck chair to sit on.
In a phone conversation with Ed Grabenstetter a few weeks ago, I was informed that he has had fifty pounds of grass seed spread onto the field and also has had the field rolled several times.  He added that he thinks the field is in great shape for the beginning of the season and hopes that everyone will make intelligent use of the field and parking area.  We also would like to remind the members to make sure you retrieve all debris from the field if you should be so unfortunate as to have a mishap, take the broken plane back home with you.   
                                             Recker R/C Club
                                             Meeting Minutes
                                             October 20, 2004
The March meeting of the ReckerR/C Club was held at Ralphie's in Perrysburg Ohio on Wednesday, March 16, 2005.  The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. by President Ernie Zam.

Roll Call:
Gary Billmaier.  There was no roll call as a few members stopped in, pay their dues and left.  A random count totaled 20 members enjoying their supper or beverages.
Treasurers Report:
There was no treasurers report as Treasurer Gary Billmaier was accepting the yearly dues and checking AMA cards.  Gary did report at the end of the meeting that as this date their were 39 paid memberships.  Gary said that he had been contacted by different members who informed him that they were sending in their dues by mail.  It was reported by President Zam, that their were previous members out of town and that they would be rejoining the ranks.

Old Business:
President Zam brought up the use of walkie-talkies at the field to help locate downed aircraft.  It was recommended that the club purchase a set.  Motion to purchase:JerryMcNutt, second: Bob Jarosz.  Motion passed.

New Business:
Field Report: Ed Grabenstetter was not present, but it was reported that by others that the field looked in great shape.  President Zam reported that some of the barricades needed to be fixed as the plastic webbing was torn and needed to be replaced.  Bob Jarosz said that he would fix them.  President Zam said he would help.  President Zam showed pictures of the new frequency board.  The board is self contained, being one part of the board contains the frequency pins and when the pin or pins are selected, they are clipped on a second attached board that has the corresponding frequency numbers.

Float Fly:
President Zam asked Bill Dewey if he was going to organize a float fly this year.  Bill said he would check into it, but reminded the club members that there is now in effect a five dollar parking fee per car to park at Ohio Parks.

Piper Club Fly In:
President Zam asked the members present if they would be interested in having a Cub fly-in at the field this year.  The members expressed interest and more will be discussed at a future meeting.

April Meeting:
It was discussed as to whether the April meeting would be held at Ralphie's.  The general consensus was, if the weather is suitable and the field is dry and the parking area can be driven on, the meeting could be held there. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.       
Motion:   Jerry McNutt, second Bob Harrison

That's All
I have at this time, see you at the field or meeting......ed jacobs