Visit our Main Web Site at This site is an old site and out of date. We will be cleaning this up soon and only use it for archival information
so be sure to go to the main site.
Recker R/C Club is an AMA Sanctioned Model Aviation
Club that is dedicated to the preservation of aero-modeling and training of new aero-modelers. We are located in Perrysburg
Township on Fostoria Rd. about one half mile north of SR 20 & 23. Click on the "Map to Field" link for


Here are some pictures of our club field, We here at Recker RC Club hope you will come out
and join us. You’ll find our club members are friendly and very warm to newcomers and visitors! So if you would like
to learn how to fly or want to find out more about our favorite hobby and past time. Please feel free to contact us or come
by the field. You’ll find we love to talk about our hobby and share what we know. As a matter of fact, the trick might
be to get us to STOP TALKING!!!! |