Information Tidbit: All radio systems have the
same basic functions with different bells and whistles thrown on top. Some things to know about are: all radio servos come
with a 3 wire system. One wire is the signal wire, one is the positive, and one the negative. Futaba wires are white, red,
and black, while JR servos use orange, red, and light brown. On Futaba the white wire is signal wire, red is positive, and
black is negative. JR uses orange for the signal wire, red for the positive and brown for the negative. The signal wire carries
the command inputs picked up by your receiver telling the servo when and how far to move the servo arm, while the positive
and negative wires carry the power to run the tiny motor inside the servo which make the servo arm move. This is of course
an extremely simplistic explanation. Submitted by Maximillion
Servo Tidbit: If
you ever buy used gear or a used plane with different servos then this might help. JR and Futaba wires are setup in the same
order, signal, positive and negative. This means that they can be used interchangeably with ether system. One slight modification
would be needed to use a Futaba servo in a JR receiver. Futaba servos have a little fin or key tab on the connector. This
allows only one possible way to insert the servo connector in to a Futaba receiver. JR connectors are shaped with one side
flat and the other side with small 45% angles. To use a Futaba servo in a JR receiver, the fin must be removed and slight
angles added to one side of the connector. This is easily done with a e-acto knife or a file. JR servos will plug right in
to a Futaba receiver with no modification need. Submitted by Maximillion
Servo Extensions: Need to use
servo extensions? Servo and extension wire connectors can come lose and separate while flying. For this reason they must be
properly secured. There are several ways to do this. The quickest and easiest way I’ve found is to use 3/8" heat shrink
tubing. Cut a piece long enough to fit over both connectors (servo and extension) and shrink with a lighter or heat gun. You’ll
find packs of heat shrink tubing at many places like Home Depot, Lowes, and other hardware stores. Thread can also be used
by threading it between the servo wires of each connector and tying it offoff. A drop of CA on the thread
knot will keep it from coming apart. Make sure not to get CA in the connector itself. You could lose signal or power contacts
disabling the servo. NOT GOOD ! Submitted by Maximillion
Use Foam: Always wrap your receiver and batteries in a soft foam. The vibration form the motor is a killer of
electronics. Also, wrap them in a plastic bag bound with rubber bands and tape. If fuel should leak form the tank, it could
short out your receiver or battery rendering them useless or worse, turning your plane in to a fire ball in the sky.
Submitted by Maximillion
Cheap Foam Supply: Throwing
out an old couch or chair? Foam rubber sold in hobby stores is great, but removing the cover off an old couch cushion will
supply you with years of foam. Submitted by Maximillion
Sub Trim Use: Sub
trims on a radio are a nice convenience, they should only be used to make minor adjustments to a control surface at the field.
Programming to much throw with subtrims can damage the servo when full travel control inputs are used. Always go back and
make the permeate adjustments by adjusting the control clevis in or out on the control rod. Submitted by Maximillion