Recker RC Club

October 04 Newsletter

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October 2004 Editor;                           Ed JacobsVol.
                                               XVI  Issue VIII

Our Next Meeting
Will be on Wednesday October 20, 2004, at 7:00P.M. at the Ideal Bakery in Gibsonburg Ohio.  If you have never attended a pizza party at the Ideal Bakery, your in for a treat.  This time the club will pay for the cost of the bash.  At this meeting we will be enjoying a pizza along with a short meeting in which we will be voting for club officers.  At this point in time we still do not have a nomination for the club President.  If you feel that you would like to help this club by offering your services and would like to lead this club, please offer your nomination.  There will now only be eight meetings to conduct since we have changed the meetings from March through October, more or less no winter meetings. 
Directions to Gibsonburg; As if you were leaving our field and going to Gibsonburg, you would drive south on Fostoria Rd. (US23) (which would be a right turn from our field).
Now you can either continue on US23 five miles and then a left turn onto SR600 then continue to Gibsonburg or you can make a left turn onto US20 east through Woodville continue for about four miles and a right turn onto SR300 continue for three miles to Gibsonburg.  The Bakery is on the corner of 300 and 600 at the traffic light, pretty simple.
At This Meeting    
We will be accepting nominations once again from the floor for Club President, Vice President, Membership Secretary/Treasuer, Field Boss/Safety Officer, Recording Secretary.  The term for each of these positions is one year and you need only be a paid up member to qualify for the office.  If you think you know of someone who would do justice to the position all you need do is make the nomination when the president opens the floor and calls for the nominations.
As in the past, when there are no opposing nominees for any office, we do not use the ballot system, simply a show of hands will suffice.  
The Slate as it stands according to my sources is;
                 President, Yet to be determined.  (No nominee as yet.)
                 Vice President,  Ted Csizek
                 Treasurer & Membership Secretary, Gary Billmaier
                 Field Boss & Safety Officer, Ed Grabenstetter
                 Recording Secretary, Jim Schneider
                 Newsletter Editor, Ed Jacobs (This is an appointed office)

                                                           Recker R/C Club   
                                  Meeting Minutes

                                  September 15,2004

The September meeting of the Recker R/C. Club was held at the club field on September 15, 2004.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. By President Bill Dewey.

Roll Call: Membership Secretary, Gary Billmaier. 18 members present.  Gary reported that as of this date the club has 75 paid members.

Treasurers Report: Treasurer Gary Billmaier reported that of this date all submitted bills have been paid.  The port-a-potty has been cleaned, but the bill has not been received.  Ernie Zam told the members present that Trent Zeisler, the Lake High School Student who was to receive the $250.00 scholarship check (as reported in the March 2004 newsletter) had as of this date not received it.  Treasurer Gary Billmaier gave a check made out to Trent for $250.00 to Ernie, who will see that he get it.  Gave reported to the members that the mowing bill for August was $255.00.

Old Business: Treasurer Gary Billmaier reported that he had been asked exactly how end of year membership should be handled.  Gary said that if a person wants to join the club in the month of September, that individual is charged the full amount ($75.00) and is told that He or she has flying privileges for the balance of the flying season and that the membership is carried over into the following year.  Gary also reported that he had been approached in the past by a person who wanted to buy a three month membership (due to the fact that that person was only going to be the area for that period of time) Gary said that he thought a charge of $35.00 was fair based upon what it cost to maintain the field.  Gary said that he has not had any response to date.

Change of monthly meetings: Remember that the October meeting will be the last meeting until the March 2005 meeting which will be a dinner meeting.  As of January 2005, members can start paying their dues with March 1, 2005, being the deadline for paying same.  Dues are to be sent to Gary Billmaier at 501 Centerfield Dr. Maumee, Ohio 43537.  There will be correspondence sent to all who were on the club rolls at the end of the year 2004

Field Report: Ed Grabenstetter reported that in moving the log barricades back when the driveway stone was spread, a few of the iron pipes that secured the barricades were overlooked and when the field was mowed, the mower hit one causing damage to the mower.  The cost of repairing the mower was $50.00 and it was agreered that the that amount be included in the next lawn mowing payment.  Motion E. Zam, 2nd. D. Smith, Motion carried.

Web Site: The web master was not at the meeting, and as of this date the site has not been updated.  It was discussed that the cost of hiring someone to maintain the site and the number of new members that were gleaned when the site was first started would not be worth the cost.

Nominations for club offices: As of this date all offices have candidates except the office of the president.  Since there were no nominations from the floor this evening, it was hoped that this office will have a candidate or candidates when the October meeting is held and voting takes place.

Pizza Party Meeting.  Remember the October meeting will take place at the Ideal Bakery in Gibsonburg Ohio. 

Motion to adjourn at 7:55     Motion Ernie Zam, 2nd Ted Csizek,  Motion carried

That's All
  I have at this time.  Since we have decided to suspend the winter meetings, you will not be receiving a newsletter until March 05.  Please keep this in mind so you don't think we have forgotten you.  Have a great Holiday Season and take good care of you and yours.

ed jacobs