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July 2004                                     Editor; Ed Jacobs                               Vol. XVI  Issue V

Our Next Meeting
Will be on Wednesday July 21, 2004, at 7:00P.M. at our club's flying field, weather permitting.   No alternate site has been designated at this time.  Arrangements will be made at the site should the weather force us to do so.   
                                                           Recker R/C Club   
                                  Meeting Minutes

                                  June 16,2004

The June meeting of the Recker R/C. Club was held a t the club field on June 16, 2004.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Bill Dewey.

Roll Call: Membership Secretary: Gary Billmaier, 13 members present.  The club now has as of this date 70 paid up members.  Gary reported that the grass has been cut 9 times since the May 19, 2004 meeting.  The reason for the high number of cuttings necessary was due to the rapid growth brought on by the unusual high rain fall. 

Treasurers Report: Gary Billmaier Treasurer.  Gary reported that the grass cutting charge for approximately 30 days was $765.00 Gary also reported that all outstanding bills have been paid except for the gravel and the Bobcat rental.  See old business for more details. 

Old Business: Ed Grabenstetter reported that part of the gravel has been delivered and spread on the driveway approach.  The original amount thought to be needed was
4 or 5 loads.  Ed reported that the hauler goes by the tonnage and as this date he feels that the amount delivered to date is approximately 17 tons.  Do to the inclement weather the hauler had to stop the balance of the delivery, approximately 20 plus tons until the ground is firmer.  When the total amount of gravel is delivered, the process of spreading same will be finalized.
President Dewey reported that Ken Moore has found and purchased a frequency scanner.  The scanner is used but in perfect shape and the savings of buying this scanner rather than a new one was significant.  The club paid $200.00 for this scanner. 

Motion to adjourn at 7:14.  Motion  Ed Jacob's, 2nd Ted Csizek


For Sale;
Roy Hinger is pulling up stakes and moving to the Sunshine State and he has a lot of things that he doesn't want to take with him.  Now, I cannot say enough about this mans craftsmanship.  If you have never seen any of his work, you are in for a treat.  He has provided me with a list of airplanes that he has for sale and will accept any reasonable offer.  Believe me if anything sounds at all interesting to you, check it out.  It will be well worth your time.  Roy would love to have you come out and look at anything that may interest you.  You can reach him at 419-874-7601

Chipmunk-84" Red, White and blue flaps, needs engine.
Sikorsky - S- 39-76" Engine Det. needs engines and servos
Nini Max -80" Scale Hime built, needs engine and servos.
Fleet Biplane-Quarter scale Quadra 35-Engine Det. needs servos.
At6-Ziroli -Saito 270 with engine Det. cockpit Det, sliding canopy.  Three piece wing.
P6E- Curtis Biplane 82" needs engine and servos.
Stearman-Ziroli- Q41 Engine Det. instrument panels, flying wires (not needed).  Robart landing gear.
Cub Slipedwing - OS-160 Working door, cockpit Det, cub wheels, wheels with pants and floats.  
Sopwith Pup Balsa USA needs engine and servos.
Morrisey Bravo-86"- Saito 270 needs servos, has flaps.
Citabria Pro Balsa USA 78".
Twin Trainer-2-OS-25's 72" Twin rudders.
Fly Baby -Q35
Cub Clipped Quarter Scale needs engine and servos.
Waco Biplane Pica 60" needs engine and servos.  
Cessna Skymaster Royal 76" push- pull twin, three piece wing flaps, needs engine and servos. 
Plus a few other planes.

 For Sale;
Ernie Zam has a few items that he is glad to offer anyone interested.  Ernie can be reached at

Item #1, Double size 15-500 plane. Scratch built, 76" one piece wing, Wolfe 3.2 engine. Plane has been flown. NO RADIO GEAR. $600.00

Item 2,     12" Disc sander with 1 hp motor.

Call  Ernie Zam - 419-698-2442  If no answer leave a message.

 On A Personal Note
Roy Hinger will be dearly missed in this club, it was a sad day when I heard that he was leaving to live permanently in Florida and giving up a lot of his treasures.  The best of luck to you Roy and keep building and flying them......ed

What A Great Change
We have in the parking area at the field.  If you have been somewhat disappointed in our parking area and have not been to the field in some time, you will be very pleased.  Ed Grabenstetter has stoned the parking area with screenings and it really looks great.  Hat's off to you Ed.  We all appreciate all of your hard work, many thanks.

That's All I Have

At this time, hope to see you at the meeting.
Ed Jacobs/ 419-693-8404