Recker R/C Club
August 2005 Editor;
Ed Jacobs
Vol. XVII Issue VI
Our Next Meeting
Will be on Wednesday August
17, 2005, at 7:00P.M. at our club's flying field, weather permitting. No alternate site has been designated
at this time. Arrangements will be made at the site should the weather force us to do so.
may wish to bring a deck chair to sit so you don't have to stand or sit on the damp ground.
At This Meeting:
will be accepting nominations from the floor for Club President, Vice President, Membership Secretary/Treasuer, Field Boss/Safety
Officer, Recording Secretary. The term for each of these positions is one year and you need only be a paid up member
to qualify for the office. If you think you know of someone who would do justice to the position all you need do is
make the nomination when the president opens the floor and calls for the nominations.
Recker R/C Club
July 20, 2005
The July meeting of the Recker R/C Club was held at the club field on Wednesday, July 20, 2005. The meeting
was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Ernie Zam.
Roll Call:
Membership Secretary, Gary Billmaier, 14 members present. The total paid up membership at this date is
still 54 members. It was noted that in previous years a few new members were added during the months of August, September
and even as late as October. When this happens, those memberships carry over into the next flying season.
Treasurer Gary Billmaier reported that as of this date there are no outstanding bills. Grass cutting
from June 20th to this date number 4, for a total expense of $340.00. Normally in previous years the grass needed cutting
more often, but due to the lack of rain during this period the grass did not grow as fast.
Club Logo on Hats and Shirts:
John Schell reported that he found a supplier who will silk screen shirts with the club logo. The charge
which includes the white "T" shirts silk screened is between $8.00 and $10.00. Those interested notify John at the August
Club Patches:
No one can remember who was the last member to have the club patches inventory. If you know who that
was notify Ernie Zam at 419-698-2442.
Cub Fly In:
The event will be held Saturday, July 23, 2005.
Float Fly:
There was a float fly held on Saturday July 16, 2005. There will be a second float fly on August
20, 2005. Bill Dewey reported that this event will be canceled and held in September if he cannot get someone to CD
the event as he will not be able to be present at the August event due to a conflicting situation. Call Bill if you
can take over the August Event. 419-693-5265.
It was reported that there is a new
twist on kite flying. The kites are equipped with some type of camera which is controlled by a servo or servos.
Being that there is not a category listed for this type of kite flying, it is assumed that they do not belong to AMA.
you as a pilot of a powered aircraft which uses a radio signal for controlling same can be hindered in the safe operation
of your plane. Bill Dewey stated that last year unknown to him this was happening at a float fly. When he asked
one of the kite fliers what frequency he was using he was not sure, which gives you as the owner of an expensive airplane
something else to be concerned about.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37 P.M. Motion Bob Harrison, 2nd. John Schell
Jim Bob
An Email Message From Bill Dewey
Reads; Ed:
If it is not too late please put a note in the newsletter, the August 20, float fly has been canceled. I
am going to be out of town.
That's All I Have
At the present time. Don't forget the nominations and keep hoping for some cooler weather.