Recker RC Club

June 05 Newsletter

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                                            June 2005
                               Newsletter Editor, Ed Jacobs
Our Next Meeting:
Will be on Wednesday evening, June 15, 2005 at 7 P.M. the clubs flying field.  Be reminded to take a deck chair with you if you enjoy relaxing in comfort.  Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and we can enjoy a pleasant evening at the field with our flying friends and there will be no need to seek an alternate meeting site.
In a recent email from Ernie Zam, he tells me of a few items that he is offering for sale and they are; 
Double size 15-500, wing about 1200 square inches, Wolf 3.2 gas engine, covered in Coverite. No radio gear. Has been flown about 6-7 times. Asking $550

Winger electric flying wing (ZAGGY Type)  Complete with motor battery and servoes. No receiver. Cost over $200.00  Asking $150.00

             Contact: Ernie Zam, (419)698-2442
                                  Recker R/C Club Meeting Minutes
                                            May 18, 2005
The May meting of the Recker R/C Club was held at the club field on Wednesday, May 18, 2005.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Ernie Zam.

Roll Call: Membership secretary, Gary Billmaier. 17 members present.

Treasurers Report:
Treasurer Gary Billmaier.  Gary reported that all current bills have been paid.  Gary said that the club is solvent.  Gary also reported that the field has been cut three times so far this year and that the mowing bill has also been paid.  Gary informed the members present that as of this date there are 51 paid up members.

President Zam informed the members present that he has talked to the owner of the field and that he is pleased to have us as his renters.  Ernie also informed the club members that in August 2006, the club will have been flying off this field for 10 years.  August of 2006 will also be the renewal date of our contract for this field.

New Business:
Safety Officer Ed Grabenstetter, addressed the members with some food for thought concerning what one should do to avoid accidents at the field.
1. use tie downs or some method of restraining your plane when starting your engines.
2.  When entering the flying field from the flight line a running engine is allowed, but upon completing your flying, the engine must be stopped before entering the flight line area to allow the plane to carried out of that area.

Frequency Pin box:
Many thanks go to Ernie Zam, Ted Csizek and John Goetz for the building and installing of the new frequency pin Box. Now when the flyer goes to fly, he selects the pin that is the same as his radio frequency and attaches it to the radio antenna.  The pilots are reminded to return the pin before they pickup and leave the flying site.
Stolen Equipment:
Ed Grabenstetter informed the member that someone has stolen the field aerator the cable and the lock. 

It was brought to the attention of the members, that at the old field we had signs posted informing those driving by that there was low flying aircraft.  To the best of anyones knowledge the signs were stolen by parties unknown.  It was beleived that the county provided the signs.  President Zam said that he would look into getting new signs.

Web Site:
Max Needles asked that the members contribute info, pictures and anything else to create an update and interesting web site. 

It was suggested that July 23, 2005 the club have a Piper Club Picnic outing.  If you have a Piper Club, any size or color or if you do not have same, you are still included in the picnic festivities and bring what ever you want to fly.  More details at the June Meeting. 

Float Fly:
It was proposed that there by a float fly again this year.  Bill Dewey the float fly guru will have more information at a later meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45.  Motion Ted Csizek, 2nd. John Schell

For Those Of You
Who have computers and are able to access the web, you may want to check out this very interesting site that Mel Hoeft has sent to me.  I am sure he would like you all to visit and enjoy these photos.   
That's All
I have at this time, enjoy the warm weather, it was not to long ago we were shoveling snow.....later....ed