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Control Linkage Trouble Shooting

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Does it seem like you always have to retrim your plane? Control slop or linkage issues may be the problem. If you can move your control surfaces with slight pressure without the servo arm moving, there is slop in your control setup.


Problem: Holes on control horn or servo arm are to large.

Solution: Install a new control horn !!!! Drill a new hole that will perfectly match the size control rod or clevis pin your going to use. If you do not have the right sized drill bit for the job. Look at some of the other tips below. Submitted by Maximillion

Solution: Take a scrap piece of the pushrod the same size your going to use for your project. File down the tip to a chisel like point with a slight angle. These make great drills of the perfect proportion. A dremal with a sanding drum makes quick work of filing the chisel point. Submitted by Maximillion

Solution: Take your X-Acto knife with a new #11 blade. Insert the tip in to the hole you need to enlarge and twist the handle. Do the same to both sides of the hole. Make sure to take only a little material off at a time. you may want to do this before installing the control horn, if you take to much material off by mistake, you won’t have to remove the horn to replace it. Submitted by Maximillion

Solution: If for some reason you can’t use a new horn, (had this happen once when the screw heads for the control horn were stripped) try this trick. Roughen the inside of the hole with a small rat tail file or needle. Place tape on one side of the horn and fill the other side with a tiny drop of thick CA or Epoxy. Try and fill the hole even with the top. A popsicle stick or the like works well for this. When set, redrill the hole. Submitted by Maximillion


Problem: Control Rods flexes when control surfaces are deflected.

Solution: If possible, try to add a balsa or ply support midway between the servos and tail feathers. More then one support might be needed if you have a long tail or are using flexible nylon pushrods instead of steel. There are several ways to do this. If the bottom of the fuselage is not solid wood, cut an access hole in the film covering and wedge balsa or lite ply for support. Glue with medium ca to have a strong joint and recover with covering film or matching color vinyl or mylar sticker. Submitted by Maximillion
Solution:Can’t or don’t want to cut through the bottom of your plane? No problem! With a little extra work you can get the same results. Measure the width of your fuselage between the servos and tail feathers. Cut a piece of balsa in the shape of a rectangle the same width and about 1 to 1 ½ inches height. Look inside the fuselage where the balsa support will go and take note on the pushrods current positions. Drill holes in the balsa support to match the pushrods positions. Slip the ends of the pushrod through the holes and slide the support down the pushrods until it makes contact with both sides of the fuselage. Drip some ca glue down on both sides to secure the balsa support! Submitted by Maximillion
Solution:Use a small 1 inch piece of tubing i.e. brass, PVC, nylon guide tube scrap or even a drinking straw if on small electric plane, and slide it down the pushrod and glue it to side of the fuselage. Submitted by Maximillion
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